Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
I hope you are all safe and well. 🙂 With the start of our new trimester, we will all be together in the classroom now! Many students in other grades have also decided to return to in-person instruction, and our middle school will be on campus for the first time in a year as well! It will be exciting to see more faces in person! It is also a time to remain vigilant with all of our health and safety protocols. All of us working together is what keeps us all healthy and safe!
In other news this week, some of our second graders announced our drive to support the Alameda Food Bank during the Wednesday SLC video! Go second grade! It was awesome to see our second graders’ smiling faces as they watched their classmates. If you didn’t have a chance to see it, here is the link (our second graders come on at minute 3:41). 🙂
Below is our weekly update:
Focus Areas for Our Learning:
- Reading – We continue SUPER magazine this week. Students will practice making connections with nonfiction texts, understanding cause and effect, and reading fluently (accuracy, pace, and expression).
- Grammar/Spelling – In Superkids, students will practice different spellings of the long a and long e sound. They will also review that adverbs are parts of speech that describe verbs.
- Writing – Students will continue learning the basic strokes and keys to legibility in cursive. We will also revisit student examples of Become a Writing Superstar to review the skills of paragraph writing and editing.
- Math – Students continue to practice with money story problems. We will also revisit subtraction with regrouping.
- Religion – Students continue to learn about the different parts of the Mass.
- Science – The class will begin our new unit on plant adaptations!
- Social Studies – We will continue celebrating Women’s History month with read-alouds and discussion about women who have contributed to positive changes in our world.
Updates for this Week:
- Service Learning – Second grade’s drive to support the Alameda Food Bank starts this week! Please contribute what you can – the food bank prefers monetary donations because for each $1 we contribute, they can buy $7 worth of food! Food donations are also welcome. Please send donations in with your child – we have collection boxes here at the office. 🙂
- Dates to remember:
- March 15th: No School – Teacher Development Day
- March 17th: Green and white free dress – Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
- March 19th: Report cards go home (STAR results and other progress reports will be included)
- April 1st-9th: Easter Break
Key Documents/Links (master file attached for printing):
- Schedule – Please print out for your child.
- Weekly Assignment Matrix – Students should continue to check off their at-home assignments to ensure they are on track.
- Become a Writing Superstar worksheet – Please print this for your child along with the editing checklist.
We look forward to seeing all of our students on Tuesday!
All the best,