
Electives are Middle School student choice classes that allow them to grow in their creativity and collaborative skills. Most classes last one trimester so students are able to explore a great variety of classes during their Middle School years.



Drama – Character exploration, performance skills, general set and costume design, and more. The skills learned here will prepare students for high school theater programs.

Broadcasting – Storyboard, film, edit and produce a broadcast.

Programming – Students learn how coding can drive creative problem-solving. Students are introduced to programming through easy-to-learn block-based languages and move on to “real” programming with Python.

Genius Hour – Based on Google’s “20% time”, Genius Hour is a time to allow 6th-8th graders to research, design, explore and create a project based on their interests and passions. Throughout the trimester, students blog about their progress and conduct a final presentation.

Art – Working at his or her own pace, students experience and learn a variety of techniques using different materials.

Robotics – Explore creating robots and programming them to complete specific tasks.

Math Team – Work through challenging math problems collaborative in preparation for the AMC 8 math competition.

Academic Decathlon – Prepare for the Catholic School Junior High Academic Decathlon with competitions in Logic, Literature, Religion, Art & Music, Science, Math, History, and Grammar.