Preschool Weekly Update – Week of 2/5

Find the good. It is all around you. Find it. Showcase it and you will start believing in it. – Jesse Owens

Dear Parents,

What a great week celebrating SPN and Catholic education. Miss Rosie and I thank you for the darling picture collage of the children. The teacher/staff brunch on Friday was also an extra special treat. We truly felt appreciated.

February is a short but busy month! We will start our Global passport curriculum this week. Our first week’s lessons will be about preparing for travel. This is also Black History Month. We have age appropriate stories and short videos that highlight Black heroes who have made positive impacts in science, music, art, literature, etc.

Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on Tuesday the 13th. Your child can bring cards or a small goodie bag to share with their class. Please no candy or sweets. Please have your child write their name on the cards.

Yee-haw!!! Next Friday, February 9 is a Wild West Free Dress Day as a kick-off for our Spartan Stampede Annual Auction!  Come to school in your best wild-west attire!  Here is the link to the event site for parents to purchase their tickets:  SPARTAN STAMPEDE!!!

See you soon!

Blessings, Ms. Grace and Miss Rosie


School hours 8:00am – 6:00pm

Potty Training Policy

Preschool Handbook 2023-2024

Health, Safety and Well Being

Sick Child Guidelines

Extreme Heat Precaution


  • Feb. 13th – Burning of the Palms – Morning assembly
  • Feb. 13th – Valentine’s Day free dress – red, white or pink
  • Feb 14th – Ash Wednesday mass 9:30am
  • Feb. 16th – Noon Dismissal – Preschool regular hours
  • Feb 19th -President’s Day – NO SCHOOL or SHARE & CARE
  • Feb. 24th – SPARTAN STAMPEDE AUCTION! – Elk’s Lodge

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