Preschool Weekly Update – Week of 2/12

‘We live on this spec called earth – Think about what you might do, today or tomorrow – And make the most of it.” Neil deGrasse Tyson

Hello Parents,

This past week we prepared for our world travel. The children made their suitcase, built a plane, learned about world currencies and created their artistic interpretation of earth. We continue this week exploring world markets.

We will celebrate Mardi Gras on Tuesday with a parade to the big school. Miss Kristen helped the children create their parade hats in the maker-space on Friday, and Miss Rosie brought in her collection of beads for the festivities. On Ash Wednesday we will attend the all-school mass and receive our ashes. The children will bring home a “Good Deeds” chart for their Lenten journey. We will have a classroom chart that aligns with our SLE pledge.

Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on Tuesday the 13th. Your child may bring cards or a small goodie bag to share with their class. Please no candy or sweets. Please have your child write their name on the cards.

Blessings, Ms. Grace and Miss Rosie


School hours 8:00am – 2:30pm

Extended care until 6:00pm

Potty Training Policy

Preschool Handbook 2023-2024

Health, Safety and Well Being

Sick Child Guidelines

Extreme Heat Precaution


  • Feb. 13th – Burning of the Palms – Morning assembly
  • Feb. 13th – Valentine’s Day free dress – red, white or pink
  • Feb 14th – Ash Wednesday mass 9:30am
  • Feb. 16th – Noon Dismissal – Preschool regular hours
  • Feb 19th -President’s Day – NO SCHOOL or SHARE & CARE
  • Feb. 24th – SPARTAN STAMPEDE AUCTION! – Elk’s Lodge

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