Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, September 11,2020
Thank you and your children for your patience as we adapt to this new way of learning (and teaching!) Students are doing well in their classes thus far. I was able to sit in with the students in several of their Enrichment classes this week and it was fun to see them learning and engaging with their teachers and classmates.
Here are a few reminders for our week:
- Don’t forget to log into Daily Prayer and Pledge at 8:30AM each morning. This is a way to foster community in our school. Each Wednesday, the Student Leadership Council( SLC) will lead in a special morning welcome. You should receive an email with the video for this on Wednesday mornings. This week the SLC leaders introduced themselves to the student body as well as lead in prayer,pledge and news.
- We began our “Breakout sessions” this week in Language Arts and Math. In the breakout sessions, the class is divided into two smaller groups with two teachers.The content for both groups is the same. We will keep these same groups for now and then change as we progress. Know that each teacher may have different styles of teaching for these lessons. It’s good for children to learn from different people and to be accepting of all.
- Please remind students that they may not always be called on in Zoom class to share. We will try to answer as many questions and listen to comments whenever possible within our time frame. Many of the enrichment teachers have back to back classes and may not be able to extend their time to get to all the children in one day.
- Kindergarten will NOT be doing STAR testing. We will continue with our ESGI Testing for Math. and Language Arts later this month.
Action Item for Parents
SPN will be having their first Community Building Project with our Sidewalk Art Project next week-September 15th, 16th, and 17th. Please refer to the SPN Newsline to the specifics of that day. Kindergarten will come on Tuesday, September 16th so we will not have any Enrichment classes that day. I will meet the students in the Kindergarten yard at their assigned time. The Kindergarten students will not be turning in any materials or receiving any new materials on that day!
Here is the schedule and the groups for that day:
Kindergarten (24)
Meet in K Yard | Draw outside school Yard | |
Group 1– Wyla, Henry C,Samuel, Edie, Sienna, Bea | 9:00 – 9:15 | 9:15 – 9:35 |
Group 2– AJ, Cameron, Abby, Colton,Victor,Kai. | 9:20 – 9:35 | 9:35 – 9:55 |
Group 3-Alice, Naomi,Longwen, Elizabeth, Henry A., Olivia. | 9:40 – 9:55 | 9:55 – 10:15 |
Group 4– Anhdrew, Grace, Levi, Desi, Mya, Patrick | 10:00 – 10:15 | 10:15 – 10:35 |
Lesson Plans for next week September 14-18 will be emailed to you instead of posting on this page.
Mrs. Foster had her baby on Thursday, September 10th and is doing well. His name is George and he was 9 pounds 13 ounces! We join you in sending best wishes to the Foster family with their new addition!
Mrs. Halkias, Mrs. Frankel, Mrs. Hall