Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, March 6,2020
The students began the Lenten season with our Ash Wednesday Mass last week. Throughout the next 40 days, we will be incorporating various symbols and read Bible stories that emphasize how to live as friends of Jesus and how to grow as a child of God.As a family, you may want to discuss how acts of kindness and friendship can be shown while they are here at school.We are continuing to use of the Zones of Regulation, adding new tools to help students calm down and stay focused. The use of music, breathing techniques, and meditation have been helpful and have been incorporated into our classroom on a regular basis.
This past week,the students worked on their class book for the Young Author’s Faire. The students brainstormed ideas about their five senses.They will then illustrate their ideas and combine it into a poem. We will complete it and submit our book next week and we will send you the details of the Faire as we get the results of the judging!
The Super Kid this Week is Abby.
Rose will go home with Augustine.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Hera.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/Language Arts/ Writing-make connections with the Superkids lessons, brainstorm ideas about our five senses,write complete sentences with a first draft and then a final draft, illustrate sentences, write declarative sentences, identify parts of a book, identify Nn, associate picture names with letter n,draw conclusions from pictures, compare and contrast, recognize punctuation marks in a sentence
Math.- number practice, represent addition with objects, look and make use of structure, look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Science– Weather Assessment continued
Social Studies- Amelia Earhart, Dr, Seuss
Religion- Lenten Journey, Jesus Feeds Many people
Looking Ahead
Monday, March 9th- No School
Friday, March 13th- Talent Show; Minimum Day- Noon Dismissal, Report Cards go home- Please sign and return the report card envelope. Keep report.
Tuesday, March 17th– St. Patrick’s Day- Green and White Free Dress
Wednesday, March 18th– Faith Families meet in classes- Lenten Prayer Service activity prepared by 1st and 4th Grades
Friday, March 20th- No School-WCEA Work Day
Hope these weekly updates are helpful to you all.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias