Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, December 6,2019
The season of Advent is upon us and the students are getting excited for Christmas. We would like to call to your attention a few reminders for students.
- Due to the approaching winter weather, it is often cold and/or rainy. Because we walk over to our specialty classes at the Big School daily ,students are encouraged to wear a coat to school. Please be sure your child’s sweater, sweatshirt and jacket are marked with their names.
- In their excitement, students often have a more difficult time remembering the rules at this time of the year. We have noticed more physical contact such as “play wrestling” and “rough housing” and we are concerned because safety is our number one priority. Please encourage your child to remember the rules at school.
- Our Christmas concert takes place on Thursday, December 19th at 7PM in the church. All students must be present. Students should wear their ”sunday best” clothes- no tennis shoes, no jeans, no hats please. Students should be dropped off at the Kindergarten room at 6:30PM.
One reminder for parents- please do not double park when picking up your child after school. Per our school rules, we are not permitted to release students into a double parked car. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Our room mother ( Juan Carlos’s mom) will be coordinating a Christmas Party for the students on the last day of school before vacation. We would like to conduct it in the same manner as our Halloween Party. Students will begin with a Christmas craft in the classroom, then have food treats outside on the patio, listen to a story and then Student Council will have a Broadcast. Our room mom will be contacting parents to help on that day. Parents may stay until after recess time. Students are dismissed at 12 noon on December 20th. Thanks so much.
You are invited to come and see the “Creche Festival” which will be displayed after all masses at church on the weekend of December 14th and 15th.Each class has been invited to decorate a creche for the church. Please come and see out Jesse Tree!
St, Philip Neri School holds an annual “Oratorical Fest”. Information for this exciting event will come home in your child’s Friday folder on the last week of classes before Christmas vacation.
Kindergarten won the Principals’ challenge in the Pre K-2 group for our Book Fair with a 64% participation ( combination of attendance and purchases!) Thank you parents and students!
We have decided to forgo December Homework! No Homework this month!
Our Super Kid this week is Cole.
Rose the bear will go home with Landon G.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/ Language Arts, Superkids/ Writing- Continue with Superkid Icky, track print from left to right, identify title,blend to decode words, associate letters with initital sounds, sequence events, associate pictures with a story, model labeling,generate ideas of what makes you glad and then draw and write about it
Math.--Observe and describe repetitive patterns with up to 3 elements, describe and identify objects in the environment using geometric shapes, use informal language to describe the parts and attributes of two dimensional shapes, compose simple shapes to form a rectangle, look and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Science- “What do I need to survive?”
Social Studies- Christmas Activities
Religion- Advent and Christmas
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, December 11th- Advent Prayer Service in the Hall
Friday, December 13th– Pajama Day- Yes, students wear their pajamas to school!
Adopt A Family gifts due
Monday, December 16th- Free Dress for December birthdays
Wednesday, December 18tth- Advent Prayer Service in the Hall
Thursday, December 19th– Christmas Concert in the Church- 7PM
All students are required to attend.Students should arrive at 6:30 to the Kindergarten Room
Friday, December 20th– Christmas Party- Last day of school before vacation- Dismissal at 12 Noon- Students can wear red and green free dress- NO SHARE AND CARE AVAILABLE
Note to Parents from your Children:
Promises are not necessary
With your love and help, I will learn that I will not always get what I ask for.
Remember that I am not an adult
It is sometimes hard for me to explain exactly what I mean and what I say does not always come out right.
Remember that I scare easily
If my interpretation of an event doesn’t ring quite true, please give me a chance to straighten it out in my head so that I can tell you without your asking too many questions.
Thanking you as always for all you do in this busy holiday season.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias