Welcome 5th Grade!
Week of August 21nd – August 23th
Hello everybody,
I hope you have all enjoyed your summer. Welcome back to the first week of school! I am so excited to be a part of SPN this year, meet you all in person, and get to know the 5th graders.
This first week will focus on building a classroom community. Our goals in the classroom will be getting to know each other, learning how we will function in our classroom (i.e. procedures, routines, responsibilities, etc.), fostering curiosity, establishing personal challenge goals, and building a foundation in the classroom that I hope will get us off to a great start.
This week, homework will focus on the important habit of nightly reading for 30 minutes. I may also assign students to bring an artifact from home for our community building activities.
If you have questions or would like to discuss anything about your student, please feel free to contact me to schedule a time to meet.
Ms. Hewitt
Calendar Items:
August 21st- First Day of School; Noon Dismissal
August 23rd- Ice Cream Social, 6pm, All Families Invited