Fifth Grade Week of December 9, 2019
Happy Advent!
The fifth graders have been discussing the importance of being kind and empathetic towards each other, as well as practicing recognizing what they are grateful for. They have been very open, and seem to love these powerful conversations. I encourage you to continue discussions like this at home:
- What does it mean to be respectful to everyone in my community? (classmates, teachers, friends, teammates, and family)
- “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.” What does that mean?
- Why does every word matter?
- What am I grateful for today?
A field trip form, as well as a ‘Media Balance & Well-Being’ form was sent home last week (after our common sense media lesson). Thank you for getting these signed forms back as soon as possible.
Have a wonderful week,
Ms. Crystal Hewitt
What we are working on this week:
Math (Bridges)-
- Unit 3: Place Value and Decimals
In this unit, students study skills and concepts related to place value, from reading, writing, and comparing decimals to rounding and examining the decimal patterns of multiplying and dividing numbers by 10. Students use their place value understanding to add and subtract decimals to hundredths.
- Unit 3: Module 3
We are transitioning into Module 3- Conversions: Students use units of computer memory- bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes- to explore conversions within a given system of measurement, and then extend the strategies they develop to making metric conversions. Students also continue their work adding and subtracting decimals in a vertical format and solving story problems that involve decimal amounts.
Math Homework
Monday– Home Connections page 51-52
Tuesday– Student Book page 97
Wednesday– Student Book page 100
Thursday– Student Book page 103
ELA (Journeys)-
We have completed reading Wonder! Before we begin our next unit, we will work on the following:
- Response to Literature Essay
Choose a topic (Theme, Character, or Setting), and write a 2-3 page essay analyzing how that topic is portrayed in the novel. Present your essay ideas to the class.
Students will work on the essay in sections in class. Any unfinished work will be homework, as well as reading for 30 minutes.
P.S. Reading out loud together, and/or taking turns reading to each other definitely counts as reading!
Science (Mystery Science)-
Before continuing our Unit on Watery Planet, students will create a poster which demonstrates what they know about the Biosphere, Atmosphere, Geosphere, and Hydrosphere, and how the systems connect.
- The Holy Trinity Assessment
- Creche/Nativity Project:
We are completing a class Creche/Nativity project this week, which we will give to the Church.
Social Studies-
- American Indians and Their Land
Description: In a Visual Discovery activity, students work in pairs, using maps and photographs to trace migration routes of the first Americans and to summarize how these groups adapted to different environments.
Essential Question: How did American Indians adapt to different environments in North America?
Important Dates:
12/14 – Adopt a Family gifts due
12/16 – Free Dress for December Bdays
12/16 – 5th Grade Art Docent Project
12/18 – 5th Grade Field Trip to Exploratorium!
12/19 – Christmas Concert
12/20 – Noon dismissal; NO SHARE AND CARE
12/21 – 1/5 – Christmas Break, no school no Share and Care
12/24 – Family Mass