Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
It is hard to believe it is already October! The year is flying by, and as we start to enjoy the cooler weather of Fall, I am reminded that we have many upcoming birthdays and holidays to share together! October brings FIVE second grade birthdays:
- Caroline – 10/13
- Joaquin – 10/16
- Christine – 10/21
- Maxx – 10/22
- William – 10/27
With each birthday, we will start our day with a blessing and a bit of fun, and end with a special wrap-up padlet where classmates are invited to share birthday wishes, greetings, photos of special times, songs, etc. Students can be as creative as they want – this will be our virtual class card to celebrate each birthday student! 🙂
Updates for This Week:
- Live Stream, All School Mass on Monday – This Mass celebrates the Feast of St. Francis. Students are invited to bring their pets or stuffies for a special blessing from Father. 🙂 (Our first 2nd grade Zoom meeting on Monday will be reading groups.)
- Conferences – As Mrs. Murray mentioned in last week’s newsletter, this year, conference time is being used primarily to touch base if your child is struggling in some way (academics, distance learning, technology, etc.). We have already touched base if I believed a conference was useful at this time. If I did not reach out to you, but you believe a conference is necessary, please feel free to reach out, and we can schedule a time that works.
- Assignments that students should complete on their own this week (these are highlighted yellow on the matrix; please no parent help):
- Math – Place Value Exit Ticket (Friday on Seesaw)
- Superkids – Unit 1 Assessment (Friday on Superkids Online Fun – login directions here for your reference)
- Music – Music enrichment classes will resume this week.
- Dates to remember:
- October 5: Feast of St. Francis – Live-stream All School Mass (link is on Clever)
- October 5: Progress reports (you should have received this in the mail – please reach out if you did not)
- October 6-9: Noon dismissal (conferences as needed)
- October 12: No school (Indigenous People Day)
- October 13 and 15: Picture Day (slots TBD – 3-6PM)
Key Documents/Links (master file also attached for printing):
- Schedule – Due to minimum days this week, Tuesday’s enrichment classes are optional. I am also making some of our 2nd grade afternoon activities optional (in green). However, since many students will be home, I do have some required assignments listed as well. Please reach out to me if your family has made plans that will make it hard for your child to complete afternoon assignments. I understand these minimum days are part of our school schedule, but did want to provide some structure and practice if students are able to take advantage of them. 🙂
- Weekly Assignment Matrix – As usual, it is important to review this with your child. All assignments should be completed by Friday end-of-day. If something comes up, please reach out to let me know.
- Long A worksheet – This is for the Reading Interactive Notebook activity on Wednesday.
- Base Ten Pieces printables – Students will use these on Wednesday for their Base Ten Creatures activity for their Math Interactive Notebook.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
All the best,