Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
Happy Friday! This week’s email is coming a couple days early so that I can enjoy a full weekend of unplugging and recouping (say yes to self care!).
Below you will find all our regular documents and schedules. We have a culminating project for social studies that we’ll be going over on Tuesday and starting a new science unit on weather.
Please make sure your student brings in their 3 ring binders and all assignments to turn in on Monday. I would also like the Amos and Boris book returned as we are moving on to another book for literature circles.
Lastly, please check Google Classroom to see if your child is missing anything from this week.
Items to be turned in online were: All math pages, all 4 paragraph of the week pages (please turn hard copies on Monday too), literature circle page, Science Unit Assessment and Cahuilla Tribe.
There was also a Young Thomas Edison Quiz and a Division Quiz.
That’s all for now, have a great weekend!
Mrs. Costy
Week 22 Paper Packet
Hybrid Schedule
Assignment Grid
Learning Overview
Dates to Remember:
- February 12: Valentine’s Day (red, pink, white free dress). – NOON DISMISSAL
- February 15: President’s Day- NO SCHOOL
- February 15: Ash Wednesday- All School Mass (Lent begins)