Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
I hope this email finds you well and warm. This is our last week before our Thanksgiving break, and before we return to campus, so I have lots of information to give you. Here we go in numerical order!
- 1. You will need to print out a packet of ELA papers that we will need for assignments and to familiarize ourselves with literature circles this week. When we are back on campus we will begin literature circles in the afternoons.
- 2. Our social studies project is due by Friday. It needs to be turned in to the front office and can be dropped off anytime this week (please find info on Google Classroom).
- 3. Printed Covid slips can be picked up from the front office but you will need to print more once those run out. I’ve attached a link to the form.
- 4. Friday is a minimum day and we will only have our morning meeting and ELA groups. The rest of the academic day will be a time for Mrs. Schopf and I to prepare for our return on the 30th.
- 5. We have a Mandatory Parent Meeting with Mrs. Murray this Wednesday the 18th at 7pm. A link will be sent to all families.
- 6. Please note on our schedule that we have student 1:1 meetings on Tuesday.
That’s all for now, please reach out to me if you have any questions.
Mrs. Costy
ELA Packet – Print for this weekRemote Schedule
Assignment Grid
Learning Overview
Covid-19 Student Screening Slip
PS- A second way to access ELA Packet info has been added if above link doesn’t work for you:
Dates to Remember:
- November 7-20: Virtual Book Fair
- November 18: Spirit Day/Mandatory Meeting 3rd-5th grade families
- November 20: End of 1st Trimester
- November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break
- November 29: First day of Advent
- November 30: 3rd, 4th, 5th grades back to school!
- December 2: Advent Prayer Service
- December 4: Make up Picture Day
- December 7: Report cards go home
- December 8: All school Mass
- December 16: PTG Christmas Event
- December 18: Noon Dismissal