Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
I hope you are enjoying the weekend! Please note there is no school on Monday due to the President’s Day holiday. 🙂
Below is our weekly update.
Focus Areas for Our Learning:
- Reading – We will start our new book clubs this week – students will switch teachers, but their group time will remain the same. Our focus will be on story structure and character development. Students continue to practice fluent reading (accuracy, pace, and expression).
- Grammar/Spelling – In Superkids, students will associate -tion with /shǝn/ and -ture with /chėr/. They will also practice editing.
- Writing – Students will write the final copy of their fictional narratives and create an illustration to go with it. They will need to turn both in on Thursday along with their draft papers. Students will have an opportunity to share their narratives in class and provide positive, constructive feedback to each other. 🙂
- Math –The class will use reasoning skills to compare measurements in various non-standard units. We will continue reinforcing familiarity with coins and symbols, and begin working more with money story problems.
- Religion – We will begin our Lenten season with All School Mass on Ash Wednesday. Students need to continue practicing the Act of Contrition prayer and work towards mastery by the end of the month. They have a copy of this prayer at home and it would be useful for them to say it once a day.
- Social Studies – We will identify the seven continents and five oceans on a map and reinforce knowledge of map skills. The class will continue to celebrate Black History Month with a read-aloud and discussion of Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up By Sitting Down.
Updates for this Week:
- Ash Wednesday – We will have a live-stream All School Mass. I will post the link on Clever, and it will also be sent out by the office.
- Please return the following items to school on Tuesday –
- SUPER Magazine and work packet
- 100 Things About Me journal
- Becoming a Writing Superstar – This writing practice will replace our 100 Things About Me journal. There will be one assignment each week that students will work through (editing and writing practice). At the end of each week, they will submit the hard copy to me (not through Seesaw). Our first one is this week, and I will post a “how-to” video on Clever (under Writing).
- Assignments – Please remember that assignments, including Padlet, ReadWorks, AR quizzes, and Xtra Math are NOT optional. If your child is having trouble completing assignments, please reach out to me. I expect to see their progress on the weekly reports I run. It informs what skills I need to reinforce, and when there is no activity, I cannot be the best teacher I can be for them. Thank you for your partnership!
- Dates to remember:
- February 15th: No School – Presidents’ Day
- February 17th: All School Mass – Ash Wednesday
- February 22nd: STAR Reading
- February 24th: Sports Spirit Day
- February 25th: STAR Math
Key Documents/Links (master file also attached for printing):
- Schedule –
- Tuesday – Reading groups: Students will switch teachers, but their group time will stay the same.
- Wednesday – All School Mass – Students can use the link in Clever (under Religion).
- Thursday – Students need to bring back their fictional narrative final copy and illustration! Please help your child remember to do this. Many have forgotten to bring back assignments on Thursdays the past couple of weeks. When this happens, they feel unprepared, and it is challenging to get them caught up. Thank you for your support.
- Weekly Assignment Matrix – Students should continue to check off their at-home assignments to ensure they are on track.
Mrs. Serles and I look forward to the week and wish you a lovely one, too!
All the best,