Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather!
Updates for This Week:
- Schedule –
- We are now ramped up to our full schedule. Yay! Last week during our 1:1s, I checked in with students regarding the level of work and how they were feeling. Overall, the class is feeling that the amount of work is fine. Some noted that there are days when it feels challenging to get all assignments done. In those cases, I let students know that it is okay if an assignment slips to the next day. This is not the end of the world. The idea is to stay focused and get as much done as you can. I understand that some days may have more distractions, etc. We are all doing our best – teachers, parents, and most importantly, students.
- Math groups were updated, and changes are underlined in yellow in the attached file. Thank you for your patience, and hopefully this is the last update for a while. 🙂
- Scholastic – If you would like to order books through Scholastic, you can (orders due by 9/30). All orders will be delivered to the school and need to be picked up. Our class code is TMT3G and you can order with this link:
- Music – Here is a note from Mr. Q (sent last week as well):
- “Hello friends, there are two separate activities I have set up for you to do while I’m on leave: One is a Brainpop unit, which you will see on your Brainpop (or Brainpop Jr.) DASHBOARD PAGE; and the other is an info sheet that I would like you to check out and read (or have a parent read it with you) so we can talk about it when I see you next month. The info sheet is on my Clever Page as “Classical Music Info Page”. Have a great September, see you in October!”
- Dates to remember:
- October 5: Feast of St. Francis – Live-stream All School Mass
- October 5: Progress reports
- October 6-9: Noon dismissal (conferences as needed)
- October 12: No school (Indigenous People Day)
Key Documents/Links (master file also attached for printing):
- Schedule – Note yellow underlines for schedule updates for math groups schedule. Even though they are optional, I encourage children to watch the Quote of the Week and Music Reflection videos when they can during the week (it does not have to be at the scheduled time). These are low-key and can be done in a relaxing spot, or if students just need some down-time from other assignments. They do not have to do any other work for these videos unless they WANT to do a reflection in their journal. 🙂
- Weekly Assignment Matrix – As usual, it is important to review this with your child. All assignments should be completed by Friday end-of-day. If something comes up, please reach out to let me know. If your child is missing more than 1-2 assignments, I will send a Heads-Up emails at the end of the week. This is just part of staying connected and supporting your child. Thank you!
- Writing worksheets – There are 4 worksheets for this week’s Alameda Free Library letter writing assignment.
- Interactive Notebook worksheets – There are 3 worksheets for interactive notebook activities this week (1 about diagrams, 1 about odd/even numbers, and 1 about compound sentences).
- Base Ten Pieces printables – I have included sheets for base ten manipulatives so that students can use them with assignments if they would like. They do have some pieces in their math materials bag, but may need more pieces for certain problems. Digital pieces are available in Seesaw assignments, but if they are having trouble, these hands-on pieces might be useful to them.
- Mystery Science printout – This is for use with their activity on Thursday.
- 5 Keys to Be a Good Citizen – This worksheet is for the social studies activity on Friday.
Looking forward to a wonderful week ahead and wishing you the same!
All the best,
Catherine Suer
2nd Grade Teacher
St. Philip Neri School
1335 High Street
Alameda, CA 94501