Transitional Kindergarten

Welcome to Transitional Kindergarten!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is TK a nut-free classroom? Are there any food allergies to keep in mind? This school year, there are no identified food allergies in the TK class. Enjoy your PB&J!
What do I need to do before volunteering in the classroom? We ❤️ our parent volunteers! All parent volunteers need to have the following on file with the school office before being welcomed to classrooms:
- Completed Livescan form. Get a blank form from the school office and make an appointment at any agency that offers Livescan. Note that Livescans completed for other organizations, like Scouts or Little League, may NOT be used for SPN.
- Completed safe environment training certificate.
- Proof of full Covid vaccination.
What are some ways that I can volunteer?
- Art Docent – Once or twice a month
- Halloween Party Helper
- Christmas Party Helper
- End of the Year Party Helper
- Special Event Helper
- School Supplies Helper
- Walking Field Trip Helper
What time does school begin and end for T.K.? Beginning Tuesday, September 6th, the schedule is 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. on Monday-Tuesday + Thursday-Friday. Every Wednesday, dismissal is 2:10 p.m. school wide.
What should we do if we arrive after 8 a.m. and the wooden gate is locked? Proceed to the school office, obtain a tardy slip, then come to the front door of our building and ring the doorbell. Wait for a school employee to make contact before departing.
What should my child have with them every day? A water bottle and a snack at the least; a lunch or a paid ChoiceLunch order. Spare masks if needed.
When and how should I let you know that my child will be leaving early or absent? Please send me an email the day of, letting me know the situation. PLEASE schedule early departures during morning recess, lunchtime, or afternoon recess.
My child’s birthday is on a school day! What can we share with the class in their honor? Something small and individually wrapped or packaged, like a special snack or non-edible object. The birthday boy or girl will hand out the ‘party favor’ at dismissal time for enjoyment at home.
What does “full uniform” mean? On certain days, the student body will need to wear their full uniform to mass or other events. For girls, full uniform is a uniform polo or blouse with a uniform sweater (cardigan or pullover) or sweatshirt; with the uniform jumper or pants. For boys, the same applies, but without the blouse / jumper option. Uniform shorts should not be worn on full uniform days.