Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
Please double check that your child has turned in all assignments on Google Classroom, completed their Lexia minutes and are reading a book for AR. Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Costy
Week 29 Schedule
Assignment Grid
Learning Objectives
Week 29 Paper Packet
Dates to Remember:
- March 12: End of Second Trimester: NOON DISMISSAL
- March 15: Teacher Work Day – NO SCHOOL
- March 17: Green/White Free Dress- St. Patrick’s Day
- March 29: Holy Week
- April 1-9: Easter Break
- April 19: Dine and Donate- Otaez
- April 20: Free Dress April Birthdays
- April 21: PTG Engineering Zoom Event
- April 29: Fun Run Kick off!
- May 11: Fun Run Start
- May 18: Free dress May Birthdays
- May 21: Sports Awards Night
- May 26: All School Mass- Feast of Saint Philip Neri
- May 28: Noon Dismissal (VIRTUAL LEARNING DAY)