Third Grade Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a nice Halloween and are recovering from the candy and late night! I know students all had a great time and were still buzzing from the excitement the next morning. I’d like to thank our room parents and volunteers for coordinating snacks and a wonderful craft for the kids to enjoy. I included pictures below. 

Here are some upcoming dates to plan for:

  • Sunday, November 5 – Rite of Enrollment – Family Mass Hosted by Grades 5 & 6, 9:00 a.m.
  • Thursday, November 9 – End of First Trimester
  • Friday, November 10 – NO SCHOOL: Veterans Day Observed 
  • Monday, November 12 – Scholastic Book Fair First Day
  • Tuesday, November 14 – Free Dress for Nov Birthdays
  • Wednesday, November 15 – Noon Dismissal – Professional Development Day
  • Thursday, November 16 – Catholic School Principal Appreciation Day
  • Friday, November 17 – Report Card Day
  • Mon- Friday, November 20-24 Thanksgiving Break – NO SCHOOL 
  • Thursday, November 30 – School Spirit Day – Pajama Day

**Mass is every Wednesday. Unless it is very warm, students should be in full uniform. Please ensure they are clean with no holes on the knees.

Please read our SPN Weekly Newsletter to keep up with school events and information!

Leaning Overview

Class Pet

October Enrichment Newsletter

Third Grade Halloween

Have a great weekend, and see you on Monday!

Mrs. Costy

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