6th Science Assignment: March 31 Science due April 1, 2020 at 05:00PM
Title: Assignment: March 31 Science
Description: Good Morning! Today you will complete lesson 1.3 and start 1.4
Lesson 1.3
[1] Warmup
[2] Watch the sun experiment video, and then add the data from the experiment to the table on Amplify
[3] Complete the predictions and then use the sim to gather more evidence abount claim 1 and claim 2
[4] Consider the evidence and choose a claim
[5] Complete the homework question
Lesson 1.4
[1] Warmup
[2] Watch the temperature and latitude video and then answer the question on part 4 of [2]
[3] Watch the video on using the modeling tool and then complete the modeling tool
I’ve created three videos for today to explain three different parts of the lesson. Consider whether you prefer watching seperate videos or having one long video with all three parts. I’ll put a poll question up later this week to see what you prefer.
That’s all for today! https://ift.tt/2QY5bSm
Due: April 1, 2020 at 05:00PM