7th Literature Assignment: Lord of the Flies chapter 5 (Read first 1/2 of chapter) due May 4, 2020 at 03:59PM

Title: Assignment: Lord of the Flies chapter 5 (Read first 1/2 of chapter)

Description: Read from the 1st part of the chapter until PERCIVAL has suggested that the beast might come from the sea, after “The assembly looked at him, considered the vast stretches of water, the high sea beyond, unknown indigo of infinite possibility, heard silently the sough and whisper of the reef.”

Consider these points… (We will discuss these on Tuesday.)
– Things and characters have changed since being on the island.
– The ‘fear’ needs to be dealt with and Ralph, Jack, and Piggy have different approaches.
– The ‘fear’ is real, even if the beast is not.
– “Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got!”- Ralph https://ift.tt/2YyXUgC

Due: May 4, 2020 at 04:00PM