7th Literature Assignment: Lord of the Flies- Chapter 4 Comprehension Questions due April 29, 2020 at 02:59PM

Title: Assignment: Lord of the Flies- Chapter 4 Comprehension Questions

Description: Please copy and paste to a doc and submit.

1. Describe the daily pattern of life on the island.

2. What are 2 reason given for why the littluns obey the call of the conch?

3. Why did Maurice feel bad about throwing sanding the eye of the littlelun?

4. Why does Roger throw the stones around Henry, but never at him?

5. Why does Jack use face paint? Give two reasons.

6. Explain what happens to cause Ralph to be so angry with Jack. Do you think that this anger is justified?

7. Hoe does Jack treat Piggy? You must give specific examples from the novel.

8. Do you think that Jack and Ralph will be able to work together again? https://ift.tt/2SmG7p0

Due: April 29, 2020 at 03:00PM