7th Literature Assignment: Chapter 2 Comprehension Question due April 2, 2020 at 02:59PM

Title: Assignment: Chapter 2 Comprehension Question

Description: Please copy and paste on a Doc and submit in Classroom.

Answer these questions completely in order to receive full credit. I want you to dig deep and refer back to your novel for evidence.

1. How does Ralph try to maintain order and a sense of societal amongst the boys? You must give specific examples.

2. When the boy with the mulberry-colored birthmark talks about the ‘beastie,’ how do Jack and Ralph react?

3. What does this tell us about their differing leadership styles?

4. What is Ralph’s plan for rescue? Do you think that this is a good plan? Why or what not?

5. How do the boys start the fire?

6. When the fire gets out of control on the island, how do the boys react?

7. Piggy is clearly intelligent and has good ideas. Why don’t the boys look to him as a leader?

8. What happens at the end of the chapter, which is particularly horrifying?

9. It is clear that there is going to be some friction between Jack and Ralph. Explain why, and predict what you think might happen. https://ift.tt/2wN6Zac

Due: April 2, 2020 at 03:00PM