Welcome to Second Grade!
Dear Second Grade Families,
I hope you are doing well! Our first day is approaching, and I can’t wait! π
In this communication, I’ve included the following:
- Schedule for the First Week of School (attached)
- Details re: the Materials Pick-up
- Preview of Back to School Week
- Links for:
- 1:1 Meeting Sign-Up
- Getting to Know Your Child Questionnaire
- Message for your child from our Second Grade helper, Bagel
Schedule for the First Week of School
Our first day of school is Tuesday, August 25th. The schedule for the first week of school looks different than it will once we ramp up. To start our year, we will take things slow and focus on: 1) developing our class community, 2) establishing some of our routines, and 3) using technology.
Please see the attached schedule with details for our first week, including our first class Zoom meeting and the Materials Pick-Up. Independent activities will often be previewed during our live Zooms and will also be supported with videos and/or audio instructions from me.
Please review the schedule carefully. Our first Zoom meeting together is on Tuesday morning at 8:45am. π
Zoom Meeting ID: 274 819 0303
Zoom Password: spnzoom
Details re: the Materials Pick-Up
Our Materials Pick-up window is on Tuesday from 10:00-11:15am. Please see the schedule below:
- 10:00-10:15: Romeo, Michael Sean, Diana, Helen, Isabella
- 10:20-10:35: Carl, Maxx, Victor, Christine, Darren
- 10:40-10:55: Caroline, Leila, Noah, Roisin
- 11:00-11:15: William, Jacob, Joaquin
If you are NOT comfortable having your child attend the Materials Pick-up on Tuesday morning, please let me know as soon as possible.
Below is a list of the supplies your child will receive in the materials bin that I will give them. Some of the books/supplies have an asterisk next to them indicating that they will eventually need to be returned to the school (they are reused from year to year).
- Folders/Books
- Green folder – morning/end-of-school prayers, first two week’s activity printouts
- Purple folder – writing paper, blank paper for drawing
- *Superkids reader (hardback)
- *SUPER magazine
- Superkids workbooks
- Goodbye Summer (we will start with this)
- Superkids Hit Second Grade
- Bridges in Mathematics student book
- *Religion textbook
- Handwriting workbook
- Notebooks
- Math Interactive Notebook
- Language Interactive Notebook
- Reading Interactive Notebook
- 100 Things About Me
- Spiral-bound index cards
- Supplies/Materials
- Packet of construction paper
- White board and marker
- Supplies bag – markers, crayons, pencils, scissors, glue, etc.
- *Math Materials bag – number rack, ruler, spinner, clock, cards, dice, base ten pieces
Preview of Back to School Week
Back to school week will start with Mrs. Murray’s address to the school on Monday, August 31st at 7pm. We will have our second grade session on Tuesday, September 1st at 7pm (Zoom information will be the same as above), and prior to this session, I will be sending out a video for you to watch. (Details are also in the weekly school newsletter.)
1:1 Meeting Sign-Up
If you havenβt already done so, please use this link to sign up for a 1:1 meeting with Mrs. Suer. You are welcome and encouraged to attend with your child. π
1:1 Meeting Sign-Up
Getting to Know Your Child Questionnaire
If you havenβt already done so, please use this link to complete a quick questionnaire to help me get to know a little about your child prior to the first day of school. Thank you!
Getting to Know Your Child Questionnaire
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to seeing your children for our first day of school! π
With gratitude,