Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
I am looking forward to seeing you and your child(ren) at our conference this week! If you are confused about your day/time, please email me right away.
Important items in the green folder this week:
Xtra Math Information: Because it is a short week, there will not be a homework packet. However, I am sending home information about Xtra Math. We will be using this program throughout the year to help students become fluent with their math facts. Fluency means that students are able to give the answer quickly (within a few seconds). This is important because having a strong mastery of base facts will allow them to access more difficult math concepts as they progress. The program will start with addition facts and move on to subtraction. When students reach mastery, they will get a certificate from me. 🙂
Field Trip Information and Permission Slip: Please complete the permission slip and send back in as soon as you can. Thank you!
Scholastic Book Order: Due by October 28th.
Below are other important updates and dates to remember:
- What We Are Learning
- English Language Arts
- Word Work – creating plural words with ‘s’ and ‘es’; identifying syllables
- Reading – making and confirming predictions; using conventions of informational text; finding answers in text
- Writing – sharing personal narratives; beginning opinion writing with supporting reasons
- Math – developing knowledge of place value within 1000; working with arrays to create equations
- Social Studies – sharing family interviews and identifying similarities and differences between time periods
- Science – creating canyons to model the impact of water on the Earth’s surface; continuing observations of our class “guests”, now very large caterpillars!
- Religion – deepening our knowledge of God the Son
- English Language Arts
- Important Dates/Events This WeekÂ
- Friday, Oct. 4th – Feast of St. Francis, Blessing of the Animals
- Tuesday, Oct. 8th – Friday, Oct. 11th – Family/Teacher Conferences (noon dismissal)
- Monday, Oct. 14th – Holiday (no school)
- Monday, Oct. 21st – Free dress for October birthdays
- Tuesday, Oct 22nd – Field Trip!
- Thursday, Oct. 31st – Halloween Parade (noon dismissal)
- Weekly Reflections:
- Quote of the Week – “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in.” – Rosa Parks
- Music Piece of the Week – “10,000 Reasons” – Cornerstone Next Generation AND Matt Redman (two artist comparison)
With gratitude,
Mrs. Suer