Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
It’s hard to believe we have finished our 7th week of school!
Last week, we were blessed to have Ms. Gwire lead the class in a reading of “Each Kindess”, a lovely but sad story about a little girl who is new to a school, and the treatment she receives from others – not welcoming or kind. We talked about the “ripple effect” of our actions. Students got an opportunity to reflect on moments when they have been kind to others as well as when they might have done a better job. It was a powerful and important activity as we continue learning how to support and care for each other in the model of Christ.
To end our week, Mrs. Devlin (Jos’s mom) led students in our first art docent project! The children explored concepts of symmetry and created gorgeous butterflies using paint and chalk pastels. We now have a beautiful display in the hallway, which has already drawn much attention! It was a wonderful project to complement the cycle of life we are witnessing with our now caterpillars! Thank you also to Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Holmes, and Mr. Devlin for supporting our artists in the classroom! 🙂
Food Drive: Our food drive officially ends Monday. We did an amazing job, and rallied our SPN community to make this a very successful demonstration of support for our local community! If you have any remaining items after Monday, I will always accept donations and take them to the food bank. Thank you ALL for your generous donations!!
Conferences: You should have received a letter that went home with your child on Thursday, confirming your conference day/time. Please let me know if you did not receive it, or if there are any issues. I did my best to accommodate your top preferences. Please also remember that your child is to attend the conference with you. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Below are other important updates and dates to remember:
- What We Are Learning
- English Language Arts
- Word Work – identifying adjectives; reviewing nouns and verbs as parts of a sentence
- Reading – continuing book clubs with small groups
- Writing – using graphic organizers to draft personal narratives
- Math – exploring place value; comparing 3-digit numbers to 1,000; developing strategies to solve story problems
- Social Studies – exploring how our communities have changed over time; conducting interviews of older family members
- Science – demonstrating knowledge on erosion and its impact; continuing observations of our class “guests”, now caterpillars
- Religion – deepening our knowledge of God the Father
- English Language Arts
- Important Dates/Events This Week
- Friday, Oct. 4th – Feast of St. Francis, Blessing of the Animals
- Tuesday, Oct. 8th – Friday, Oct. 11th – Family/Teacher Conferences (noon dismissal)
- Monday, Oct. 14th – Holiday (no school)
- Monday, Oct. 21st – Free dress for October birthdays
- Weekly Reflections:
- Quote of the Week – “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” – Vince Lombardi
- Music Piece of the Week – “Blackbird” – The Beatles
With gratitude,
Mrs. Suer