Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
What a blessing your children are! Last week, the class was inspired by their classmates, Ella and Aria, who had been talking about the fires in Australia. Ella brought pictures and led us in prayer for those impacted. They thought the class might be able do something to help. A lively discussion followed, and we came up with many ideas, including sending food, toys, clothes, etc. Logistically, we agreed it would be more effective to send money to organizations who are already working in Australia since shipping heavy items would take time and be pretty expensive. As such, we decided to support the St. Vincent de Paul Society, which is providing direct relief to individuals impacted by the bush fires.
The class then decided that we needed the support of not only the second grade, but the whole SPN community! Nice idea! They decided to spread the word in several ways. First, we will be sharing the details of this fundraiser with the school at morning assembly on Tuesday. Second, a flyer will be going home in the weekly envelopes. And last but not least, students worked in teams to design and create posters, which they will hang around the school, and a box for donations. GREAT EFFORT! And what an awesome example of change makers in action – they are living what they are learning! 🙂
Regarding the Oratorical Fest, students will be reciting their selections in class this Tuesday and Wednesday. Please help them prepare. 🙂
Below are other important updates and dates to remember:
- What We Are Learning
- English Language Arts
- Word Work – reading and encoding pattern words with -tion, -ture; observing punctuation
- Reading – finishing SUPER magazine; starting book clubs!
- Writing – developing a well-organized piece of informative/explanatory writing to clearly convey ideas about leadership
- Math – describing how the size of the unit used to measure an object’s length relates to the measurement of the object’s length; practicing strategies for addition/subtraction within 100
- Social Studies – considering Martin Luther King, Jr.’s contribution and what it means to be a leader who works for positive change (role of individual/groups/government)
- Science – using knowledge of materials and their properties to participate in a garden scavenger hunt
- Religion – learning about the Church as a community
- English Language Arts
- Important Dates/Events This Week
- Monday, Jan. 13th – Free dress for January birthdays
- Friday, Jan. 17th – Staff training day – NO SCHOOL
- Monday, Jan. 20th – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – NO SCHOOL
- Jan. 21st/22nd – Oratorical Fest in-class presentations (all pieces need to be memorized and ready to be presented)
- Sunday, Jan. 26th – Open House
- Jan. 27th-31st – Catholic Schools Week
- Friday, Jan. 31st – Noon dismissal
- Weekly Reflections:
- Quote of the Week – “Find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner of the world.” – Pope Francis
- Music Piece of the Week – “La Da Dee” – Cody Simpson
With gratitude,
Mrs. Suer