Preschool Weekly Update – Week of 2/19
“Treasure your curiosity and nurture your imagination.” — Shirley Ann Jackson, physicist
Hello Preschool Parents,
This week was busy! On Monday, Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Hillenbrand visited the preschoolers for their TK assessment. Tuesday was our Mardi Gras parade, see pictures in the school newsletter, and we had Shrove pancakes when we returned to the classroom. During the Ash Wednesday mass, the children were reverent and earned a color space on our Lenten Chart! We did all this and our regular Global Passport projects!
Miss Rosie and I are in need of your help. The preschoolers are currently having some issues with ignoring their teachers direction, playing around during snack/lunch time, and arguing/tattling. This has been building up and hit a tipping point on Thursday. We had a community meeting and I let the children know that I was going to ask their parents for help. Please have a chat with your child about listening and following through with a teacher’s direction. Let them know that there is NO playing around when they are eating. This is a safety issue. As for tattling on issues real or imagined, we will send them back to their classmate to work it out. This is all normal, timely behavior and we appreciate your help with these issues.
Have a restful 3 day weekend!
Blessings, Ms. Grace and Miss Rosie
School hours 8:00am – 2:30pm
Extended care until 6:00pm
Health, Safety and Well Being
Sick Child Guidelines
- Feb 19th -President’s Day – NO SCHOOL or SHARE & CAR
- Feb. 20th – Free Dress for February birthdays
- Feb. 24th – SPARTAN STAMPEDE AUCTION! – Elk’s Lodge
- March 1st – End of the 2nd trimester.
- Mar. 8th – Report Card day
- Mar. 15th – Noon Dismissal – Regular Preschool Hours
- Mar. 19th – Free Dress for March Birthdays
- Mar. 22nd – Spirit Day – Disney Day
Please make sure to read our SPN Weekly Newsletter to keep up with school information and events!