Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, May 7,2021
We are truly enjoying the time we have together with our new schedule! It is so great to have everyone together in what now feels like a “real” school day.
Since we have returned to our all day schedule with full class, we would like to ask for parents’ assistance with your children concerning COVID restrictions about social distancing and personal space. In a class discussion this week, teachers have reminded students and elicited the reasons for these restrictions. Unfortunately, since the return of all students, some have started to get comfortable and have needed frequent reminders about Covid protocols. Students need to have well fitted masks on at all times ( except eating and drinking.) Some students are not covering their noses or allowing their masks to fall down. Students should not be drawing or writing on table tops or writing or hanging onto the plexiglass partitions. On the yard at recess,we have added some additional playthings( chalk, jump ropes, play structure). But students are forgetting that they may not touch each other in their play. Students have been warned that we will need to reach out to parents if these habits continue. Thanks for your assistance in going over these guidelines for our classroom.
Please remember these safety protocols at pick-up and if your child chooses to play with classmates after dismissal. Additionally, the Parish Office is still conducting business; please respect their work environment.
Our Fun Run takes place on Tuesday, May 11th. Students may wear appropriate athletic clothing and shoes on May 11th, the day of the run, instead of their uniform.
- Teachers will provide all students with a FunRun t-shirt. We will hand the t-shirts out on the day of the run day. Students will wear their FunRun t-shirts when they run.
- Two separate running tracks will be set up on the school yard so each class will run in their own cohort on their own track with staggered run times during the day.
- Students will wear their masks and will be asked to take it easy while running.
- Due to covid restrictions, we cannot have parents come to cheer their children during the run. We have limited volunteers that will be helping.
- PTG will be handing out Otter Pops at the end of the Fun Run as a mini celebration.
Our SuperKid for this week is Mimi.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of our wonderful mothers! We hope that you enjoy your day with your families. You are most appreciated.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/ Language Arts/ SuperKids Club/ Unit 20/Writing- Identify Ww, associate picture names with w,form Ww, use correct spacing and punctuation, blend sounds to decode, associate pictures with words, identify the title of a story, read memory words, summarize, answer questions, determine important ideas, recall details, follow directions oral directions, understand adjectives, discuss onomatopoeia, make a list by dictation
Math.-Bridges Unit 4 Module 2-counting to 40 from a number other than1, adding two numbers on a dice,represent addition and subtraction with objects, solve addition and subtraction story problems,
Social Studies/Art- Pablo Picasso, Symbols of America- “the Eagle”
Science- Mystery Science
Religion- “We Listen to Jesus” , Discussion of SLE “Reverence”
Looking Ahead
Sunday, May 9th- Mother’s Day
Tuesday, May 11th – Fun Run Race
Friday, May 14th- Spirit Day- Star Wars theme!
Monday, May 24th-Saint Project Due