Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, April 30,2021
Students are adjusting to our new full day schedule as well as teachers and staff. We’ve had to adjust some seating arrangements in order to ensure a maximum learning environment and to allow some additional time for lunch prep. Students are learning to work quietly as well as independently in preparation for First Grade. Students are asked to clear away their distractions, stay on task and complete their work in a timely manner. Progress reports will be sent out if your child is having difficulty with any areas of kindergarten curriculum and/or behavior.
Please continue to have your child complete their Wednesday asynchronous work and submit it on Thursdays. If your child is struggling with this please let us know. Most students seem to be doing well in completing the amount of work given. This work is assigned in alignment with TK-1. It is also in preparation for 1st grade expectations. All students should bring their completed asynchronous work in their Blue or Green Folders on Thursdays and to turn in their ( empty) Friday folders on Mondays. Our apologies for any leftover Math Kits etc. we have done our best to remove them all.
We have begun a new Writing Unit in which students have their own Writing Folder. The folder has information for the students to refer to when writing- these include the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet, spring vocabulary, rules for writing sentences,sentence stems, numbers, sight words, colors. Students are encouraged to write and then to illustrate their sentences.It will be fun to see what students have written and then to share their creativity!
Here are the details for honoring our mothers for Mother’s Day. We traditionally gather together to honor our mothers. This year, however, we can’t gather as we would like to. We are busy preparing a special gift and video for our moms. You will receive this next Friday.
Students will have one last project for Kindergarten in the month of May. It will be a Saint study. Your child will select any Saint that they would like to learn about, complete a project on and share with the class. Information will go home on Monday. The Due Date is Monday, May 24th.
Please have your child bring their Social Studies /Science notebook to school on Monday. We will collect them again for grading purposes and add in the additional lessons that we have completed here at school.
Our SuperKid next week is Henry A.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/Language Arts/ SuperKids Club/ Writing-Unit 18-Superkids Club- associate picture names with letter v, for upper and lowercase Vv, use correct punctuation and spacing, blend sounds to decode words, distinguish between f and v, identify title of a story, read memory words, answer questions about a story, determine important ideas, recall details, follow oral directions, understand adjectives, build a list with vocabulary
Math- Bridges- Begin Unit 4 , Module 1- count forward and backward with numbers, reason abstractly and quantitatively, compare numbers, solve problems with addition and subtraction
Religion- SLE “Responsibility”
Social Studies/ Art- Symbols of America ( the Eagle), Frida Kahlo
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, May 5th- All School Mass-link will be sent-May Crowning. One of our students will present the Crown to Mary at 8:30 Mass. No Zoom class.
Tuesday, May 11th – Fun Run Race
Monday, May 24th-Saint Project Due