Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, March 19, 2021
You should have received your child’s report card for the second Trimester on Friday, March 19th. Many students have progressed nicely this second trimester and showed significant growth. In Reading/Language Arts most students are now beginning readers ( blending sounds to decode words) while others have begun to read more challenging work. Students are also beginning to write simple sentences- some independently and others with assistance. We are reminding students that they will be required to do more independent work in First Grade and are preparing them for that task next year. It is important that your child submit the weekly asynchronous work assigned. Students will need to show mastery in those concepts assigned for home completion as well. There is no need to sign and return report cards in this time of COVID. You may keep your child’s report card.
Please have your child submit their March Homework project ( writing a book) on Friday,March 26th. Be sure that your child can read his/her book aloud to the class. Students will read their books on Monday, March 29th. Thanks for your extra help with this project.
Next week in class the students will perform in the form of photographs “The Story of Moses” and The Seder Meal. This will be in preparation for a prayer service for all classes to watch on their last day before Easter Break, Wednesday, March 31.
Second grade is doing a food collection drive for the Alameda County Food Bank.Please consider donating money and/or food to support the Alameda Food Bank. Donations are being accepted until Easter Break and can be sent in with your child or dropped in donation boxes at the office. Thank you for your support.
Longwen is our SuperKid this week.
What’s Happening In Class?
Reading/ Language Arts, SuperKids/Writing- SuperKids Club-Unit 14- Identify upper and lower case B, and associate sound of b, blend sounds to decode words,use correct spacing and punctuation in writing sentences , spell and read memory words“of”,” the” and “a”, track print, make predictions, draw conclusions, understand how to form contraction “let’s”, recognize an apostrophe, follow written and oral directions.
Math. Bridges- Unit 3 –-represent subtraction with objects, solve subtraction story problems, decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way
Social Studies- Famous Inventors- Henry Ford
Science- Force and Motion Assessment
Religion- “The Story of Moses”, “We Belong to the Catholic Church”
Looking Ahead
Friday, March 26th- March Book Project due
Monday, March 29th- Students read their books to their classmates
Monday March 29th- Wednesday. March 31st– Holy Week- Kindergarten Prayer Service-Seder will be aired at Morning Zoom at 9:00am
Thursday, April 1st-No School Holy Thursday, Observance of Cesar Chavez Day
Friday, April 2nd- No School – Good Friday
Monday, April 5th- Friday, April 9th– No School- Easter Vacation
Monday, April 12th -Return to school