Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, February 26,2021
The students began the Lenten season with our Ash Wednesday Mass. Throughout the Lenten season, we will incorporate various symbols and read Bible stories that emphasize how to live as friends of Jesus and how to grow as a child of God. As a family, you may want to discuss how acts of kindness and friendship can be shown not only at home but also while they are here at school.We will continue to use of the Zones of Regulation, adding new tools to help students calm down and stay focused. Incorporating the use of music, breathing techniques, and meditation into our classroom will begin on a regular basis.
We welcome a new student to our Kindergarten class. Ruth Elliott will be in the Afternoon Cohort! Welcome Ruth!
The Super Kid this Week is Wyla.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/Language Arts/ SuperKids- identify vowels and consonants, associate letters with medial vowel sounds, blend sounds to decode words, review memory words, encode words, follow oral directions, answer questions about a story,think about what makes sense,describe setting
Math.- count backward from any number in the range of 1-10 (and more), represent addition with objects, decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, count by 2’s to 20
Science– Force and Motion
Social Studies- Amelia Earhart
Religion- Lenten Journey, “ Jesus Teaches Us to Pray”
Looking Ahead
Friday, March 5th- SPN Crab Fee Auction, Mrs. Frankel’s last day
Monday, March 8th– Mrs. Foster returns to Kindergarten (Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays ) Mrs. Halkias ( Thursdays and Fridays)
Monday,March 15th– No School-Staff Development
Wednesday,, March 17th– St. Patrick’s Day- Green and White Free Dress
Friday, March 12th- End of Second Trimester- Minimum Day- Distance Learning
Hope these weekly updates are helpful to you all.