Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, October 9,2020
Thank you for returning your children’s work for our first month of Distance Learning. We will continue to assess your child’s work for areas of growth needed. Your child will receive a Report Card at the end of our First Trimester ( November 20th.) Report Card date to be determined.
Here are a few reminders for work:
- One daily Morning Work sheet ( just the front) is enough for your child to complete in a day. Please have your child complete the letters in pencil only ( no crayons please.) Coloring the page shows extra effort by the child.
- Don’t forget to have your child practice letters and numbers in the green folder. Have your child concentrate on the proper formation of the letter as this is very important.Use a dry erase marker so your child can practice regularly. Students should also be practicing their name using an upper upper case letter for the beginning of their name and all lowercase letters after that.
- Please have your child put Science and Social Science worksheets in the Science/Social Science Interactive notebook. Do not turn in. We will return those worksheets to students who turned them in so they can glue them in their notebooks. We will collect notebooks for grading at a later date.
The Super Kid this week is Mrs. Frankel.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA: Superkids Curriculum-Introduce SuperKid Doc, Phonemic Awareness initial D and final D, Upper and lower case D, Blending sounds,, Drawing conclusions from pictures,Using Prior Knowledge, Follow oral directions, Answer questions about a story, Listen for details in a song
Math- Continue Building to Number 10, one to one correspondence, identify the number of objects as the last number said when counting a group of objects, create and extend simple repetitive patterns with up to 3 elements
Science-Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Social Studies-Days of the Week, Review Months of the Year
Religion-God;s Promise to Noah, Praying the Rosary
Looking Ahead
Monday, October 12th- Indiginous People Day- No School
Tuesday, October 13th, Thursday, October 15th- Picture Day- Be sure to look for the schedule of times on the SPN Newsline with the appointment time for your child’s picture.
Friday, October 30th- Halloween Wave Parade 10:00-10:30 – More information to come- Students may wear costumes to the parade in their cars. Students Council will pass out goodie bags to all students in cars.
Enjoy the weekend.
Mrs. Halkias and Mrs. Frankel