Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, October 4-11,2019
Thanks for returning permission slips and money for our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch on October 17th. Please send in monies and permission slips if you have not already done so. Thank you to those who have volunteered to drive or chaperone. Drivers will receive a form to complete so please be sure to complete it and return and submit your car insurance and driver’s license information. As stated last week, all parents who volunteer to accompany us must complete the online course for parent volunteers. You can find it at Our Pumpkin Patch tour is at G and M Pumpkin Patch in Livermore. We will eat snack here at school before departing and eat lunch at the pumpkin patch.Drivers and chaperones will be notified and will receive further instructions on when to arrive. Please pack a hearty snack for your child that day ( maybe even half a sandwich) as we may be eating later than our regularly scheduled lunch time Your child’s lunch should be in a brown bag that day with their name on it and disposable drinks please. No metal or hard plastic water bottles please. Children should wear their SPN shirt and jeans, shorts or leggings. Please drop off your child’s car seat on the front ramp of the Parish Office building in the morning. PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON HIS/HER SEAT. YOUR CHILD MAY NOT TRAVEL WITH US IF THE CAR SEAT IS NOT PROVIDED. We will be arranging the car pools for each car and appreciate your cooperation. If you are driving, your child will be in your car; we will arrange chaperones to also have their child in the car in which they are riding. Thank you.
We look forward to meeting with all of you this coming week for Parent Teacher conferences.Please remember that your conferences are 15 minutes long so it is important to be on time as we don’t have much “wiggle room” between conferences. Thanks so much.
Our Super Kid this week will be Ulysses!
“Rose” the bear goes home with Mia!
What’s Happening in Class?
Language Arts/ Superkids/ Writing- Introduce SuperKid “Alf”, introduce upper and lower case Aa, identify initial and medial “a”, draw conclusions from pictures,, categorize pictures, encode for letter a, follow oral directions
Math.Numbers to 10, Patterning,Unifix Cubes, Polydrons, Understanding and Using a Number Rack to 10,
Religion-We Share God’s Love
Science- The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Social Studies- Emotions, Christopher Columbus
Looking Ahead
Tuesday,Oct. 8th-11th–MINIMUM DAYS- All students dismissed at 12 NOON-Parent Teacher Conferences
Monday,Oct. 14th- Columbus Day- NO SCHOOL
Thanks for all you do. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias