Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, March 13,2020
You should have received your child’s report card in an envelope today. (Some envelopes have last trimester’s report in them; you may keep both reports and just sign and return the envelope.) The purpose of a report card is to inform the child’s parents of his or her academic progress during the school year. Standards based skills assessments are used here at St. Philip Neri School in order to evaluate your child. We hope that these report cards will give you an indication of the skills your child has mastered as well as those that they still are working on.
The students have been working on their writing in connection with their Language Arts curriculum. This week the students brainstormed about things that we’ve done in class and wrote declarative sentences.Next week they will continue to write about something that they’ve done independently. The Young Author’s Faire book is completed and we will share our book with you and send you the information about the Young Author’s Faire next week.
Students painted with watercolors this week in Art class with Mrs. Romero! They really enjoyed painting Still Life pictures.
We are completing a daily Lenten maze in class coloring one day for each day of Lent.It gives the students an idea of how long 40 days really is!
FYI- We have talked with the students about the importance of washing hands and staying home if they are coughing or have a fever. We are disinfecting the tables daily and use the hand wipes several times a day.
Super Kid this week is Mariela.
Rose will go home with Hannah.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Mazzee.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA, Writing- Continue with SuperKids Club- Recall details, associate pictures with words, follow oral directions, visually discriminate between words, identify rhyming words, blend sounds to decode words,match sentences with pictures
Math.- Number Practice to 20- addition and subtraction facts to 5 or 10
Science- Begin Unit on Force and Motion
Social Studies- Zones of Regulation
Religion- Saint Patrick
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, March 17th– St. Patrick’s Day- Green and White Free Dress
Friday, March 20th– No School- Teacher WCEA Workday
Tuesday, March 24th– SPN Fun Run
Thursday, March 26th– March Homework Project due
Have a good week. Stay healthy.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias