Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, January 24,2020
In preparing students for First Grade we will be starting a Weekly Progress Report which will be sent home in the Friday Folders. This report will detail work habits and behavior for your child for the week.We are hoping to give you a better insight into your child’s progress in the classroom.We will begin the first week of February.
You should have received your child’s progress report in their Friday Folder. It is a summary of the results from the last time we tested your child. No need to sign and return unless you have a request from us for a conference.
Be sure to read the flyer about the Circle of Grace Lessons we will be doing with the Kindergartners.This is in connection with the Diocesean Safe Environment Training. The flyer was sent in your child’s Friday folder this week.
We will celebrate the 100th Day of School in Kindergarten next month! We are asking the students to bring in 100 like items in a bag. It is not necessary to purchase anything. Examples might be 100 paper clips, 100 rubber bands,100buttons, etc. ( No candy please.) Please label the bag with your child’s name. All items will be returned. Students may bring their bag to school anytime before February 5th when we will celebrate the 100th Day!
We want to remind you of our special Catholic Schools Week celebration all next week!
Here are the highlights:
Sunday, January 26th- 9:00 AM Mass and Open House in the classrooms- Please come to see your child’s work in the Kindergarten Room! If students come to Mass in their uniform and check in with their teacher, they can earn a Free Dress!
Monday,January 27th- Celebrating Community/Vocations- We will be picking up trash on the Kindergarten playground helping to keep our school clean!
Tuesday, January 28th- Celebrating the Nation- Multi-Cultural day -Students may dress in the traditional clothing of their culture or wear the colors of the flag from their culture.
Wednesday- January 29th- Celebrating Students- Student appreciation- Free Dress- All School Special Assembly by the Lawrence Hall of Science
Thursday, January 30th- Celebrating Academic Excellence- Oratorical fest-1:00PM in church
Friday, January 31st- Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers- Minimum Day- 12:00 Dismissal
Thank you to parents for their assistance in preparing their children and to the students for learning their speeches and poems for the Oratorical Fest!
The following four students will represent Kindergarten at the Oratorical Fest on Thursday at our Oratorical Fest:
Hera Slack will recite “I Need A Flashlight” by Anna Bird Stewart
Isabella Thomas will recite “Poet’s Tree” by Shel Silverstein
Eliana Laguicao will recite “Early Bird” by Shel Silverstein
Kara Kwok will recite “ Thank You, O God” from the First Bible of Prayers
Congratulations to all the students for their effort!
Super Kid this week is Hannah.
Rose will go home with Avery.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Cole.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/Language Arts/ Superkids Curriculum-Continue with SuperKid Hot Rod-visually discriminate between sentences, identify rhyming words, blend sounds to decode words, associate pictures with sentences, answer questions about a story, make predictions.The students will now spend two weeks on each of their SuperKids Lessons; thus their SuperKid workbook will go home every other week.
Math.- Workplace assessments-Count up to 20, represent addition with fingers, represent subtraction with objects, solve subtraction story problems,decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, for any number from 1 to 9 find the number that makes 10 when added to that number
Science- Weather Patterns and Tools
Social Studies- Zones of Regulation
Looking Ahead
Sunday, January 26th- Friday, January 31st- Catholic Schools Week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 3rd, 4th and 5th– Mrs. Foster will be testing new students for our Kindergarten Program next school year so Mrs. Halkias will be in the Kindergarten classroom for the week while she is testing.
Friday, February 14th– Valentine’s Day ( more info to follow)
Monday, February 17th– Presidents’ Holiday- No School
We appreciate having Mrs. Hall as our instructional assistant and appreciate all that she does for us. However please direct all emails and questions to teachers only.
Looking forward to sharing our classroom and some of your children’s work at our Open House with you!
Sincerely, Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias