Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, December 13,2019
Last Friday , we did post our Weekly Kindergarten Update for our website but for some reason, it did not post ( technical difficulties.) You should have received an email with the information from last week. It has now been reposted.Here is the new one for this week!
What Will be Happening in Class?
As the New Year approaches ,we will be initiating some changes in the curriculum.
In Language Arts, the students have just begun to communicate their ideas in writing. As you know, at the beginning of the year, the students communicated ideas through drawing and speaking. As the year progresses, they are encouraged to write letters and words that they know. The goal is for children to recognize that we can write what we speak and speak what we write. Children will be writing a variety of texts for different purposes, including narratives, opinions, and informative/explanatory texts.Your child should be writing their names with upper and lower case letters now. They should also practice writing their last names. Please review lower case letters with your children.
In the Superkids Curriculum, the students will be taking on more challenging work; they will learn the sounds for the remaining 13 letters of the alphabet, decode and encode many more words and begin to read stories.Most children will demonstrate steady improvement and growing confidence in their decoding and fluency skills, while others may need more encouragement and support. We will continue our assessment of skills which will help us to identify grouping, pacing and instructional levels of all students.
In Math, our Bridges curriculum (Unit 4), the students will begin by building a number line to model the number sequence from 0-10. They will continue to practice counting forward and backward between 0 and 50, starting with any number in the range. They will also solve addition and subtraction problems, compute with pennies and nickels, and begin measuring length using non-standard units. The number line and measurement activities provide many opportunities for the students to consider relationships between numbers and quantities, including making comparisons which are greater and which are less.
Our Science Curriculum will continue with the study of the Five senses.We will then move to a unit on Force and Motion.
Social Studies will usually center around holiday activities. Additionally, we will study about some famous Americans, American symbols, as well as maps and community helpers.
Our Religious curriculum will continue with the Bible stories of the Old Testament. We will prepare for the season of Lent and continue to celebrate Holy Days and Holidays.
The Super Kid this week is Ashley.
Rose will go home with Oliver.
We are in need of paper towels. Your donation of paper towels would greatly be appreciated. Send anytime!
Looking Ahead
Monday, December 16th- Free Dress for December birthdays
Wednesday, December 18th- Advent Prayer Service in the Hall
Thursday, December 19th- Christmas Concert in the Church- 7PM
All students are required to attend. Report to the classroom at 6:30PM.
Friday, December 20th- Christmas Party- Last day of school before vacation- Dismissal at 12 Noon- Students can wear red and green.NO SHARE AND CARE AVAILABLE
Monday, December 23rd-Sunday, January 5th,2020- CHRISTMAS VACATION
Monday, January 6th, 2020- Return to School
Please be sure to read the flyer about the Oratorical Fest which we will have during Catholic School Week at the end of January. Selections are due on Friday, January 10th.
Thanks for all you do.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias