Kindergarten Update

Dear Parents, November 15,2019

By now your child should be set up with the Superkids Online Fun and Raz Kids. This information was sent  in the October and November Homework folders.These two programs will enhance your child’s reading development. If you have had trouble logging in, please email Mrs. Foster for assistance.

The students ate their lunches in the classroom on only one day this past Thursday. We discussed manners and keeping their voices down . The students did very well. Thanks for reviewing polite manners with your children. One last note about snacks- We have some extra snacks for students who occasionally come without a snack ; however some students are now asking for extra snacks after they have eaten their own. We will no longer give out extra snacks for students as we  do have a limited supply.Thanks for your assistance in making sure that your child has a daily snack.

We have much to be thankful for. Remember that the Thankfulness Boards are due this Thursday .We are so looking forward to having your children share their Thankfulness Boards with their classmates (and us!)  Thanking you in advance for the extra effort by all of the students. They will be displayed in the hallway outside the Kindergarten room on Friday after school.

Your child will be receiving their first trimester report card on Friday, November 22nd. Please keep in mind that these progress reports are designed to document and provide specific feedback to students and parents as well as future teachers about a student’s progress toward specific grade-level standards and social-emotional growth. The progress reports also allow parents and students to understand more clearly what a student is expected to know by the end of each grade level.Please keep the report card and sign and return the envelope! Thank you.

Our Super Kid this week is Liam H.

Rose went home with  Ulysses !

What’s Happening in Class?

ELA/ Superkids Curriculum- Continue with  Superkid Lily, associate d for d,l for l, a for a, encode words, discuss nursery rhymes, discuss homophones, teach how to label things, guide listening and comprehension

Math.- building a number rack, build a linear ten frame with beads, reinforce cardinality, show one to one correspondence, decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way.Assessment- counting in a ten frame and matching ten frame number with the same number of dots

Science- Living Things 

Social Studies- Thankfulness Boards

Religion- Season of Giving

To Parents from your Children:


Giving me too many “things” might make me forget how much you love me and I love myself.


I will learn better if you correct me in private.


I am a little human who sometimes will make mistakes; please help me to understand that I am okay when this happens.

Looking Ahead

Monday, November 18th- Free Dress for November birthdays

Thursday, November 21st- “Boards of Thankfulness” Due

Friday,November 22nd- Report Cards go home

Monday, November 25-Friday, November 29-Thanksgiving Vacation- No School

Monday, December 2nd-Return to School,

Thanks for all you do and may your have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias

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