First Grade Weekly Update
First grade made it through our first week of full days with flying colors.
- If you wish to order Scholastic Books, please do so online by Wednesday, September 11.
- I will create a schedule for volunteers to come listen to readers beginning in October. Let me know if you want to be added to the sign up sheet for Thursday or Friday (8:15-9 a.m.) It will probably work out to 1 time a month. Be sure that you have the Virtus training complete and the Fingerprinting.
- Students need to be in line by 8 a.m. ready to start their day in order not to be marked tardy.
Here’s a look at what we’ll be working on:
Language Arts
- distinguish short vowel sounds
- re-reading
- handwriting
- sight words: of no
- count by 2’s, 5’s, & 10’s
- make combinations of 5
- demonstrate knowledge of numbers 0-10 in multiple ways
- school rule #3 Follow school and classroom procedures
- what is the Bible?
- Jesus says Let the children come to me
- sound waves-listening for sounds in the school and neighborhood
Dates to Remember:
- September 10: Dine & Donate @ Tomatina
- September 19: free dress with Fun Fair shirt (available for sale in the office $5)
- September 20: no school for students
- September 21: Fun Fair
- September 23: September birthday free dress
- October 4: Blessing of the Animals
- October 8-11: noon dismissal for Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
- October 14: Columbus Day Holiday
- October 18: Picture retakes
- October 21: October birthday free dress
- October 31: Halloween Parade
- November 1: All Saints Day, 8:30