First Grade Weekly Update
Welcome to the new school year! I am looking forward to meeting all the first graders on Wednesday, August 21. Remember that the first graders will have a minimum day dismissal (12 p.m.). The full day schedule will begin September 3. Students should be picked up on the yard near the flag pole unless they are attending Share & Care (where they will be walked by a teacher.)
Students should bring a snack labelled with their name on it as well as a backpack everyday. A note will come home with any pertinent information on Wednesday.
Dates to Remember:
- August 21: First day of school, 8-12 p.m.
- August 23: Ice Cream Social, 6 p.m.
- August 26: July & August birthday free dress
- August 28: Back to School Night
- September 2: Labor Day Holiday
- September 3: full days begin, 8-3:10 p.m.
- September 4: All School Mass, 8:30 a.m., mass uniform (SPN sweater/sweatshirt and no shorts)
- September 6: Picture Day
- September 10: Dine & Donate @ Tomatina
- September 19: free dress with Fun Fair shirt
- September 20: no school for students
- September 21: Fun Fair
- September 23: September birthday free dress