First Grade Weekly Update
- Thank you all for signing the permission slips to allow me include your child’s work in my research. I know the students will have fun with our Readers Theater this month.
- We need (empty) paper towel rolls for a Religion activity on Thursday.
- The Alameda Librarian will be returning to our class on Tuesday this time for a lesson on Women’s History.
Here’s a look at what we’ll be working on:
Language Arts
- reading: The Contest: A Play and Readers Theater
- handwriting
- sight words: would could some one new were
- adjectives
- phonics:
- long vowels with ue (blue, clue) and ie (pie, tie)
- Writing
- completing Young Author’s Fair book on Favorite things
- developing number sense in 0-120 range-values change depending where a number is on the number line
- mentally find 10 more and 10 less
- place value
- greater than and less than
- Penguins: compare heights
- Lent
- CRS Rice Bowl Lesson: Life and dignity of the human person
- Sacraments-baptism
- How can the stars help you if you get lost?
Dates to Remember:
- March 9: No school
- March 12: Art Docent
- March 13: Talent Show/noon dismissal/Sports Picture Day
- March 17: green/white free dress for St. Patrick’s Day
- March 18: Lenten Prayer Service
- March 19: STEM Docent
- March 20: WCEA Work day-no school for students
- March 23: March birthday free dress
- March 24: FUN RUN
- March 25: noon dismissal (WCEA Work day)