Fifth Grade Week of September 16, 2019
What we are working on this week:
Math (Bridges)-
- Unit 1 Module 3
In Module 3, students continue to work on multi-digit multiplication strategies. The class creates and adds to a Multiplication Strategies Poster. Students will take a checkpoint in Session 2 and in Session 4 learn a new Work Place, Beat the Calculator, in which they use efficient strategies to solve problems faster than a partner doing the same work on a calculator
Math Homework this week:
- Monday- Piper’s Ping-Pong Team Home Connection
- Tuesday- Sam’s Sewing Supplies Student Book
- Wednesday- Student Strategies Home Connection
ELA (Journeys)-
- Unit 1 Lesson 2
- Unit 1 Lesson 3
We will finish Unit 1 Lesson 2 by reading a fairy tale, “The Princess and the Pea” to connect to “A Royal Mystery”. Students will also finish typing their final draft of their narratives.
In Unit 1 Lesson 3, we will begin with a Spelling Pretest using words with the long i and long o sounds, which will be practiced throughout the week and assessed on Friday.
We will begin reading the story, “Off and Running”. In addition to reading, comprehending, and analyzing the text, we will also focus on the essential question: Why is determination a good quality for a politician to have?
ELA Homework this week:
- Monday: Long i and Long o Reader’s Notebook pg. 28
- Tuesday: Spelling Word Sort Reader’s Notebook pg. 29
- Wednesday: Proofreading for Spelling Reader’s Notebook pg. 30
Science (Mystery Science)-
- Web of Life Mystery 2: Matter Cycle, Food Chain; What Do Plants Eat?
- Chapter 2: The Word of God
Goal: To learn about how to read, interpret, and revere Sacred Scripture
Social Studies-
- Geography of the U.S. (What can geography teach us about the United States?)
Important Dates:
Thursday Sept. 19th: Students wear their Fun Fair t-Shirts to school free dress; Chess in Science lab 3:15-4:15
Sept. 20th: No School- Staff Development Day
Saturday Sept. 21st: Parish Fun Fair
Sunday Sept. 22nd: Pancake Breakfast and Family Mass
Monday Sept. 23rd: Free dress- September birthdays