Third GradeWeekly Update
Dear Parents,
I am very excited that we will have more students coming back to campus for the third trimester! Welcoming new students will also mean that we will need to have 2 cohorts and there will be changes made to our schedules. Our days will still be expected to go from 8:10am-3:10pm and students will either be in class or completing assignments independently during that time. I will provide a schedule that I would like you to use as guidance during your child’s independent time so that they don’t fall behind and use their time wisely to complete assignments within the school day.
Something I would like to address, and that is connected to independent work, is the completion of Lexia and Mathletics assignments during the week. I ask that students complete at least 40-60 minutes a week (depending on their needs) and I have begun assigning 2 Mathletics assignments per week. As of this time there are 16 students that have not met their Lexia minutes (some have not done any for weeks!) and there are 12 students that have not completed all of their Mathletics assignments.
This would be a good time to check that your child has fulfilled their requirements for Lexia, Mathletics and Google Classroom assignments (look for “Missing” under the “to do” tab).
Thank you for your time and dedication, it truly takes a village and I’m thankful that our village is strong!
Other Reminders:
-Tuesday: Reconciliation
-Weds: Crazy Hair Day
-Friday: Minimum day- VIRTUAL DAY FOR ALL
Mrs. Costy
Weekly Paper Packet
Week 26 Schedule
Assignment Grid
Learning Objectives