Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all doing well and are enjoying some time with your families and friends. We have a lot of information this week so I’m going to dive right in.
First, we have 2 sessions of STAR testing this week. The first will be for Reading on Monday at 9:30am and the second will be for Math on Tuesday at 9:30am. Students will need to stay signed on to their Zoom call while they complete the test. As a reminder, parents cannot help students during this test! Independent completion is going to provide the best information on how to fill in gaps and enhance overall growth.
Second, students will begin using Google Classroom as their main hub to access assignments, materials and information going forward. We will still be using Seesaw for many of our activities, I’ll just be linking them into google classroom assignments. The reason for this is because after using Seesaw for a couple weeks the lack of assignment organization was too much on my end. All students are now signed up for our class and I will be walking them through this process on a daily basis next week so they get used to it.
Third, we have our school Chalk Walk next week on Thursday, September 17th from 1:00 – 2:30.This is an optional event and our Enrichment classes will still be available for those who can’t make it. Please use this sign up sheet if you can come.
Lastly, PLEASE print out both the schedule and assignment grid for your student as they have slight changes for this upcoming week.
That’s all for now, see you next week!
Mrs. Jessica Costy
Dates to Remember:
- September 14th-25th: STAR benchmark assessments
- September 20th: Catechetical Sunday
- September 23rd: Wacky Wednesday Spirit Day!
- September 25th: Virtual Elementary Staff Day – NO SCHOOL
- September 26th: Virtual Fun Day
- September 27th: First Communion – Outdoor at St. Alberts
- September 28th: 8th grade virtual tour – O’Dowd
- October 5th: Feast of St. Francis – live stream from yard with Father and SLC