Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
I hope you had a restful break and are ready for the last stretch of the school year. As a reminder, this week will still have 2 cohorts with a virtual day for all on Friday. Next week we’ll move into having one morning cohort for all with Zoom classes in the afternoon.
I’m looking forward to seeing the kids tomorrow, enjoy the beautiful day!
Mrs. Costy
Week 31 Schedule
Assignment Grid
Learning Overview
Paper Packet
Dates to Remember:
- April 1-9: Easter Break
- April 19: Dine and Donate- Otaez
- April 19: Virtual Learning Day
- April 20: Free Dress April Birthdays
- April 21: PTG Engineering Zoom Event
- April 29: Fun Run Kick off!
- May 11: Fun Run Start
- May 18: Free dress May Birthdays
- May 21: Sports Awards Night
- May 26: All School Mass- Feast of Saint Philip Neri
- May 28: Noon Dismissal (VIRTUAL LEARNING DAY)