Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
I hope you’re looking forward to another weekend and get some time to enjoy the nice weather.
This upcoming Monday I’ll be taking a personal day (the first in over a year!). Distance learners will be asked to complete their work independently as we will not use Zoom that day. I have included a schedule for them to follow which is aligned to what is being taught in class. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Murray.
Lastly, please make sure that you and your child double check that all assignments have been submitted on Google Classroom and that there are no “Missing” assignments under the “to do” tab.
That’s all for now, take care!
Mrs. Costy
Distance Learner: Monday Schedule
Weekly Schedule
Assignment Grid
Learning Objectives
Week 25 Paper Packet
Dates to Remember:
- March 5: SPN First Ever Virtual Auction (AKA: Crab Feed)
- March 12: End of Second Trimester: NOON DISMISSAL
- March 15: Teacher Work Day – NO SCHOOL
- March 17: Green/White Free Dress- St. Patrick’s Day
- March 29: Holy Week