Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Third Grade Parents,
I hope that you’re looking forward to an extended weekend and find a moment to rest and enjoy your time.
A couple of quick reminders:
1. All Crab Feed butterflies need to be turned in by early next week.
2. I am still missing Amos and Boris books. Please double check with your student that they have been returned (if they have not by next week I will contact you and make arrangements for a replacement).
Last but not least, THANK YOU (and your lovely child) for the wonderful book and notes Mrs. Schopf and I received last week for teacher appreciation. It was truly “Teacher Gold” and a memento we’ll keep forever.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Costy
Week 23 Paper Packet
Weekly Schedule
Assignment Grid
Learning Objectives
Dates to Remember:
- February 12: Valentine’s Day (red, pink, white free dress). – NOON DISMISSAL
- February 15: President’s Day- NO SCHOOL
- February 17: Ash Wednesday- All School Mass (Lent begins)
- February 18: Middle School Town Hall
- March 5: SPN First Ever Virtual Auction (AKA: Crab Feed)
- March 12: End of Second Trimester: NOON DISMISSAL
- March 15: Teacher Work Day – NO SCHOOL
- March 17: Green/White Free Dress- St. Patrick’s Day
- March 29: Holy Week