Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Third Grade Parents,
We had a wonderful first week back! Thank you for your patience and diligence with the schedules and technology side of things. I felt like we made a few steps in the right direction and am confident that we’ll catch our stride soon.
I’ve attached our regular documents below but added a few more for the upcoming events during Catholic Schools Week.
We will have a Faith Family activity on Wednesday at 8:30 am and we will not be meeting in our regular community circle. Please find which group your child is in and log into that Zoom meeting instead.
I’ve provided the Oratorical links and schedule for Thursday. You can watch them live or later after they’ve been recorded.
That’s it for now, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow!
Mrs. Costy
Paper Packet: Wk. 21
Weekly Schedule
Assignment Grid
Learning Overview
Faith Families
Oratorical Links and Schedule
Dates to Remember:
- January 31: Virtual Open House
- February 1st-5th: Catholic Schools Week- Theme: Faith, Service, Excellence
- February 12: Valentine’s Day (red, pink, white free dress). – NOON DISMISSAL
- February 15: President’s Day- NO SCHOOL
- February 15: Ash Wednesday- All School Mass (Lent begins)