6th Science Assignment: May 14 | Lesson 2.6 & 2.7 due May 14, 2020 at 05:00PM
Title: Assignment: May 14 | Lesson 2.6 & 2.7
Description: Lesson 2.6
[2]sim activity
[4]modeling tool-nothing specific to turn in just explore new features
Lesson 2.7
[2]modeling tool – skip methane (part 2)
[5]self assessment-write explanations for concepts you understand
Bonus activity (optional): As another way to experience how CO2 and Methane trap energy you can play the game infrared escape. You play as infrared energy (light/heat energy) trying to escape the atmosphere into space. As you play through the levels the difficulty increases as the amount of energy trapping gas molecules increase.
Due: May 14, 2020 at 05:00PM