6th Science Assignment: Distance Learning March 18, 2020 due March 19, 2020 at 05:00PM

Title: Assignment: Distance Learning March 18, 2020

Description: Good Morning and welcome to day 1 of our virtual school. Today you will be working on Amplify Lesson 4.3.
1. Log in to amplify by going to clever.com/in/csdo (link below)
2.You will complete the warmup on Amplify.
3. Activity 2 is using the reasoning tool table to organize your evidence about why the POW system isn’t working for everyone. Use the document below to complete activity 2 (it includes the evidence cards and the table to fill out). It may be helpful to print out the document if you can do so. That will make it easier to sort through the evidence cards.
4. Activity 3-After compelting your table higlight your best argument in green. If there is evidence you don’t plan to use put it in red. Add notes in the evidence part of the table to evidence that connects (“this connects with evidence card C”).

That’s it for today. Remember you can email me at jtoner@csdo.org or join my office hours anytime between 12:15-12:45 if you have questions. https://ift.tt/3dasORm

Due: March 19, 2020 at 05:00PM