6th Science Assignment: April 6 Science due April 7, 2020 at 05:00PM

Title: Assignment: April 6 Science

Description: Good Morning! I hope that you’re settling into a routine. Does it feel a little like a regular Monday? Are you excited for break?
Today for Science you’re working on Lesson 2.2. We’re going to have a live class tomorrow at 10. So if you’re feeling a little uncertain about this new material that should be a great chance to clarify the important ideas we’ve coverd so far on Amplify. You can also always email me or join my office hours if you have questions.

Lesson 2.2
[2]re-read paragraphs 4,5, and 6 of the article. Add an annotation to answer the question “Other than latitude, what else effects ocean temperatures?”
[3]consider a map of ocean currents and answer a couple questions
[4]complete the modeling tool. It had been started for you so carefully study the completed parts to figure out how to fill in the missing parts. https://ift.tt/2wWn0KZ

Due: April 7, 2020 at 05:00PM