6th Science Assignment: April 22|Lesson 3.2|Class at 10:05 AM due April 22, 2020 at 05:00PM

Title: Assignment: April 22|Lesson 3.2|Class at 10:05 AM

Description: Good Morning!
Today we are continuing to investigate “What determines how ocean currents move?” We will review some important concepts and class, so don’t get started until we meet. Join the class at 10:05 using the link from the distance learning doc.
For lesson 3.2 you will complete
[2]Re-reading part of the Gulf Stream article and answering a question about it
[3]Completing a hands on activity or watching my video of the activity (will post later today) and completing the associated Google Doc
[4]Completing the Homework
(1) use the modeling tool
(2) read and annotate one article https://ift.tt/34X7nzj

Due: April 22, 2020 at 05:00PM